Saturday, February 2, 2013

Alpha and Omega

How marvelous! The game starts with an anime! 

This whole sequence is very important to the overall mythos of Xenogears but at the moment it's just a bit of pretty to get you excited. Things explode (spaceships!), there are cryptic messages ("you shall be as gods" gives me chills everytime!) a bunch of math and science happens really fast and there's a naked lady at the end! 

Remember that naked lady. She is very important later.

And then we hit the first reminder of why I HATE Xenogears. A text wall. I firmly believe they should have sold this game with a remote to fast forward through all the fucking text walls.

There is a good reason for those text walls. There is a LOT of stuff a person can learn about the world Takahashi created for Xenogears. There is a large book titled "Xenogears: Perfect Works" which outlines every-damn-thing about Xenogears. It has a timeline spanning MILLIONS of years. But there should be a big solid fire-door between what one CAN learn about a work of fiction and what one NEEDS to learn. So for now, maybe just skip through the text as fast as you can and take away these facts:

  1. There is a war
  2. Giant robots used in the war = "Gears"
  3. Shit just got REAL in this tiny town

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