Sunday, February 3, 2013

Doctor of what?

Citan: #1 Wise Guy
Fei heads up the mountain to get a camera from Dr. Uzuki.

Citan Uzuki is my favorite character of all time. From anything. I aspire to become just like him in most aspects of my life and I think that everybody else should too. He is the fastest, most powerful character in the game (not always, but usually). He's a total badass at times and also an achingly earnest dweeb. Most of all though, he is the one character who knows what's going on. In a game with the complicated and undulating backstory Xenogears has, this puts him close to god-like omniscience. For about 90% of the playtime of Xenogears, Citan knows exactly what's going on and why. But rather than be all explain-y about it, he lets you (Fei) discover things for yourself because he knows (unlike the writers) that experience outweighs explanation almost every time.

Plus he has really neat-o glasses!

We meet Citan in the middle of fixing up a bunch of old garbage priceless relics from the past. He has some very poignant comments to make about music and some really cryptic things to say about Fei.
"Music is a mysterious thing. Sometimes it makes people remember things they do not expect. Many thoughts, feelings, memories... things almost forgotten... Regardless of whether the listener desires to remember or not."        - Citan
And that music he's talking about was composed by Yasunori Mitsuda. If you haven't heard of Mitsuda-san you must not like video games much. He's responsible for the music in both Chrono Trigger and Cross, as well as Mario Party but let's not talk about that one.

Don't forget to grab -Midori's Ring- from behind the flower boxes. It'll come in handy much later.

When you leave, some craaaaa-zy stuff comes flying overhead! Better go see what that's all about.

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