Sunday, February 10, 2013

I need a Turbo Controller

MAN, I don't know if it is because I just came off of Earthbound, a callous and cruel battling experience, or if it's because I know XG so very well but I am ON FIRE. Who made this game so easy? I remember leveling for DAYS to get past Calamity coming out of the Sand Caverns. This time he took less effort than a random encounter with a Mayfly. I can't handle it. I'm gaming too fast to keep up blog-wise.

YES! More nudity!
As a recap, once we meet Bart we go to Bledavik (which has fantastic music) and enter a fighting tournament so Bart can rescue his cousin/betrothed who is also head of a church. Meanwhile, the bad guys show up and we get lots of teasing about Solaris and Gebler and The Past, all in the form of Kahr and Miang. Kahr is to Vegeta as Fei is to Goku. And that means he's gonna get more and more annoying, and more and more inconsequential as the story goes on. I guess his character would be interesting on his own, but with all the crazy types running around in XG, he just gets lost in the hubbub.

SO we win the tournament and save the girl. Elly shows up for about five seconds. DAN has been following us! You can choose not to fight him when he shows up to get the "armor" of Alice's -Wedding Dress- but why would you pass up an opportunity to maim this dirty little goblin?

Once that's all finished we get a large mass of story to scroll through. UGH. "Fast forward Beemo"

OAKY! okay. So we got our eyes on the prize of making Bart the king of Aveh like he should be. That is a clear goal that we can probably accomplish. We head back to the capital, mix in a couple of feints and distractions. Ooop! Nope. Couldn't quite do it. Looks like Miang kinda screwed us over on this one. There is a bit of hilarity with a land-crab. I'll let that remain enigmatic for anyone who hasn't played.

Elly shows up for a quickie and Fei knocks her outta the park. It takes a real man to beat a lady up and then moralize at her for being in the Army. Sheesh.

Oh, and there he goes again. Fei totally freaks out on the special mission he was carrying out ALL ON HIS OWN. (I mean, they sent like 6 other guys with him. They couldn't help out?) He totally destroys everything and then proceeds to punch Kahr's arm clean off and throw the giant sand-marine on top of Bart.

Long story short, everything goes badly for everybody we care about right now. Right after everything was going so great with that rescue and the tournament too. What a bummer.

It's also a bummer that this marks the end of Golden Time. This is as far as I could get with my borrowed PS2 at the "youth center". I think that Senior year happened here and I didn't get to play the next couple chapters until I got my own PS2 and my own copy of Xenogears a few years later.

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